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About NESA

NESA is a highly dedicated group of volunteers who agree to keep emergency supplies available for their community and offer special services in their designated area. We aim to prepare each neighborhood for any emergency, from natural disasters to food shortages. In our database, a community equals your neighbors within a 5-mile radius. This will allow us to back up our organization via 2-way communications systems such as landlines and walkie talkies if needed. NESA also provides a database of supplies and skills that can be traded within the community, without accepting cash in exchange.

We believe in the power of community and the strength of preparedness. Our organization is committed to empowering individuals to make a positive impact and contribute to a safer neighborhood.

Collaboration unlocks potential. Let's achieve together!

The objective of our organization.

It's crucial to take responsibility for ourselves and our communities during emergencies and natural disasters. By preparing each individual neighborhood with essentials like food, water, transportation, and pet supplies, we can support organizations like FEMA and Redcross and effectively handle unavoidable situations. Remember to add to your own family's supplies before contributing to the NESA network. Don't wait until it's too late to act - take charge and be confident in your ability to handle any crisis.

All Hands In

Our Vision

Our vision is to establish a neighborhood where every individual feels secure and supported during unexpected events. We envision a community that is proactive, united, and capable of effectively managing emergency situations.

Our Mission

Our Mission

At Neighborhood Emergency Supply Association, our mission is to build a network of volunteers who are ready to respond to emergencies and provide vital assistance to those in need. We are driven by the desire to create a resilient and well-prepared community.

Support Our Cause Today!

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