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Pet Food

Extended Family Food

Pet Food

Our pets are part of the family too. We should set aside food for them so that we don't have to give them ours in an emergency situation. Emergency pet food is food that can sustain your pet for 1-2 weeks in case of a disaster or crisis.
Some tips and options for emergency pet food are:
-Food that can also be used for human consumption, such as canned meat, rice, or oatmeal
-Dry nutrient powders that can be added to food or water
-Freeze dried pet food that can be stored in a bin
-Emergency dog food products that are specially designed for survival kits, such as Mayday, ER, Pet Evac
Pak, Quake Kere, or Future Essentials brands

Pets can often get anxious after missing 1 regularly scheduled meal, in order to keep them calm so that the emergency situation is easier on you, we recommend storing enough food for your own pets, and then allocating whatever you can to the NESA community.

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